Teenage Relationships AUGH!
Ok. So I need to rant. On what? Teenage "relationships". There is just one situation that's bugging me. First off, I don't believe kids under 18 should be having serious relationships. Like teenage dating is soooo serious. And dramatic. Oi. Like act your age. This is not marriage. At the same time there some things that bug me about a certain relationship. So I know this girl, Candace and she was going out with Eric. So they've been going out for a year and half-ish. Ok. Meet Naomi and Kyle. They've been going out for a few months. Now. Candace and Kyle are best friends. The truth of the matter is Kyle loves Candace, which is completely unfair to Naomi. Heh. So not so strangely, Kyle breaks up with Naomi. A few days later Candace breaks up with Eric. Candace is pretty upset seeing as her and Eric have been together for quite awhile. Strangely enough, Kyle and Candace, already being close end up comforting each other and start "going out" really quickly. Candace is mad because all her close friends wonder what's going on. I mean, if Kyle will leave a girl for her, won't he leave her for another girl? Or would he never do that because he "loves" her. What are these kids learning by being in "serious relationships". The way I see it, when things get tough, we quit and move on to the next person. It's okay to leave someone because there are issues. Yeah, they're just kids, it's not like they're married. But aren't they practicing for marriage? Augh! Maybe I'm just bitter, because I never got to be in one of those serious relationships. Or maybe I'm not because I had so much fun just being friends with both genders and had maybe a fun little fling or two, but nothing serious. Not saying that flings or friends with benefits are good either. But I'm just annoyed in this situation. Candace and Kyle are pushing away their friends, because they are in "love" and no one else knows anything. That bugs me. But of course. You know best for yourself. It kills me inside because Candace is going to get burned. Kyle too. Eric and Naomi are already burned but they can both do better than these two. To you who read this and think I'm off my rocker. I don't care. From personal experience, staying away from insanely serious sexual relationships in high school has saved me from more heartbreak and has left my view of love less tainted. So. There. Hahaaa.
Anyways. I'm so exhausted. I've worked three 12's in a row almost with barely any time off in between.
So Peace.
Dedicated to S. S. D. T.
Anyways. I'm so exhausted. I've worked three 12's in a row almost with barely any time off in between.
So Peace.
Dedicated to S. S. D. T.
At April 27, 2006 8:02 AM,
JP said…
I think you're at a great advantage with not having a serious relationship throughout high school. I did, and dont get me wrong, it was good, I learned an incredible amount about relationships, and I would hope my view is not very tainted, but then again, if it is, I have placed my trust in God to restore to me what HE views.
I would have to agree that serious highschool relationships are rather pointless for the most part. I learned a lot, but I have amazing parents that helped council me. Not a bad post at all :)
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