Can You Hear Me?

Ahh. Me. This is my rant house. My thoughts, words, visions and dreams.


a fierce roar

A fierce and mighty roar of a lion
The Lion of Judah
The roar scares off those who do now know Him
Those who know Him, know to be not afraid.

Grapes of Glory.

Sometimes I put grapes in my cereal. Once I've eaten most of the cereal & grapes, but haven't drank the milk, I'm usually just tempted to throw away the milk. I don't really like the cereal-after milk It's like the leftovers. Just looking in the bowl all that there appears to be is milk. However if I investigate, I can find a few more grapes. As I drink down the milk, the "leftover", the more attainable the grapes. I was pondering this and I thought about how that relates to my relationship with God. Just because I can't see the "grapes" doesn't mean that they aren't there. We're quite content to just have the "cereal" of the word.But if we go deeper, {sometimes a little, sometimes a lot}we can get to the goodies of the Lord.

Going an adventure

Woah guys. Totally just rediscovered my blog. Haha. Hmm. Where to begin...

Well. It seems like my life has been taken over! It took a mini-heartbreak, and just surrendering control completely but it happened. Haha. God is sooo good. In the last week, God has told me so many things. You see I have this burden for Edmonton, and I totally long to see revival come here. I know it's coming. I can taste it and it tastes sweet. Hmm. So here was my issue, I want this to come, but I have no idea what to do. I have this passion in my heart for miracles, signs and wonders, healings and the like. Y'know this stuff totally excites me. My spirit gets all stirred. Even now as I'm writing this. Woah come on now. Anyways yeah, come September, I will be packing myself up and heading down to Abbotsford to go the Supernatural Training Center with Fresh Fire Ministries. I don't know where the money's coming from, even though when I decided to do this, money came out of nowhere. Haha. Ooh, I'm so excited. Y'know how it's like. I'm so tired of sitting here waiting for something to come. Or waiting to find out what God wants to do in my life. So I'm stepping out on an adventure. Who knows where I'll end up or who I'll be. Here's the truth, my passion for Edmonton is still fiery. I just hope I can get equipped. And bring some fire back to this place.

Pray for me. It's still 6 months away and I don't want to end up freaking out about it. I have recieved huge confirmation about this in so many ways. So pray that I will follow through, as long as it's God's will.
