Can You Hear Me?

Ahh. Me. This is my rant house. My thoughts, words, visions and dreams.



well well well. i am tired. i worked close to 30 hours. i don't want to exaggerate because that's basically lying. let me think so 15.5 on wednesday and 13.75 on thursday so... 29.25 hours. heh. wow. i cannot wait for my paycheque... wOOT. basically i am blessed. even though im super tired. haha.


mmm content

hey readers. it has occured to me that lately I've only written a post when i'm in some form of extreme negative mood. heh. soooo. this is my attempt at one when i'm actually in a pretty good mood.

hmm. now what to write about.
well i've been deep-cleaning my room. funny i've been deep-cleaning my heart and spirit too. while i was cleaning my room i found this old word that God gave me like a week before I graduated. Now i've since lost it again. in any case i read it all over again and it was for the moment. mm. I guess God really switched my heart? Maybe i just turned my heart on to Holy Spirit. Man one thing's for sure. when im content or happy, i'm not as focused. hahaha.

be blessed, not stressed!!

have fun all you back to schoolers.