Can You Hear Me?

Ahh. Me. This is my rant house. My thoughts, words, visions and dreams.



Why won't I learn. I'm out of money. Every time I don't tithe, I end up with no money. Whenever I do tithe, I so always have money. When God says that there's a special blessing that comes from just tithing. I don't make that mistake very often but when I do I always regret it. *sighs*. I can be so dense.

Haha. Well

Hasta Luego.



pay attention

Mmm. I find it interesting how... "Christians" are too busy doing "christian" things to notice the people. Now. Before all you guys get offended and defensive, relax. I know not everyone is like this. I know people are busy and not everyone can notice everyone. So, take a deep breath, and try not to take this too personally.

So here's a story. There's this girl, and she's been struggling to find out who she is. She knows in her heart of hearts that she belongs to God. She loves God, longs to grow into a deeper intimate real realationship with him and is. Now, this girl is not very open with other people. She's been burned in the past by sharing her issues with other people and is not so willing to get hurt again so easily. So she goes along and lives her life, but leaves her struggling between herself and God. It's great, God speaks to her and she listens and gets cool revelations. However, in this girl's work there are not a lot of other people with her same beliefs. It isn't long before she swears as easily as they do, and before she knows it she's gone out and partied it up. No one in her Christian group seems to notice. Other than her being quieter, more withdrawn and timid. You see, her work friends at least listen to her. She still knows who she is in Jesus. She still talks to God everyday. Yet, there's no one for her to talk about God with, other than her work friends. They don't necessarily agree.

So.. the moral of the story is, when you ask someone how they are... try and mean it and wait long enough for the answer. Some people need to know that you really care before they tell you about their life. Prod a little. You might be surprised at who is struggling with what.

Mucha Lova
