Can You Hear Me?

Ahh. Me. This is my rant house. My thoughts, words, visions and dreams.


If I had a million dollars...

Hmm. Just a random thought running through me head. If I had a million dollars eh?
First off and foremost I would tithe. That is, give 10% to my church. Yes $100,000. Hmm. Then I'd probably buy an SUV. Not a really expensive one, but one that is practical. I'd go to school and maybe pay for a few friends to come with me. I'd invest a chunk, and pay for my sisters to go to college. I'd buy my mom a nice house. I would travel and see this beautiful world. Africa, Europe, Australia. I don't know what else I'd do. Maybe pay for a youth missions team. I don't maybe God would tell me to give a large chunk away. Heh. WHO KNOWS. I don't know why I thought that but it was fun to blog it. Cool beans
