Can You Hear Me?

Ahh. Me. This is my rant house. My thoughts, words, visions and dreams.


pb & j epiphany

so i was just lying in bed, trying to sleep, when all of sudden all i could think about was a PB and J sandwich. i thought about how I was going to make 4 for lunch tomorrow. I was so hungry. So I got up out of bed and well made myself a peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich. I was munching it down, when all of a sudden I thought, "Boy I sure am blessed to be able to get up and make what I wanted." I mean more than half the world doesn't have that luxury. Even kids in NA. I mean PB & J may be all that they have to eat. I'm blessed. If you can look in your pantry or fridge and have more to choose from than PB & J and KD, then you are blessed.
I love how things like that are pounded into us for as long as we can remember but it takes something really getting us for it to hit home. I guess that God isn't as absent as I thought he was.



hmm. so, I am not dead. I'm here as always. I always think about updating but then I get busy again. Basically, I work and sleep. Haha. Hmm. There's so much going on, though some, if not most, is not really tell-the-world-in-my-blog, so I will refrain.

One thing on my mind is stuff. So let's see. In the past 2 months, I have bought a laptop, a new cell phone and a new car. I always thought once I had those three things I could be content. However this is not the case. Now I want a video camera. I could really use a TV and more video games and books and on and on the list goes. So I know that there is nothing wrong with stuff. Soon it starts to consume you, become all you are and look after. Definately not so great. Now don't get me wrong, my laptop was an excellent investment. I have a great plan behind my car. My cell phone is also a TV and camera and MP3 player. So I am pleased. I just kind of hope that I'll be able to get over this I need stuff phase. I guess I feel that because I work so much that I should treat myself... which I should. I don't know man, my credit card is pretty full and my bank account is pretty empty. Maybe I'm confused. I guess I'll just sit here confused for a while. It might stop me from spending. Hah.

Keepin it real,
